Welcome to the Wonderful World of Chinchillas! And to the Chinchilla Club Forum.

You have allot to learn and a very short time to learn it.

(1) What kind of cage do you have her in at this time? Can you post a picture of it, please? The proper cage can often mean the difference in life or death to the kits.
(2) What you will soon discover about chinchillas, that is different with rabbits, is that chinchilla kits are born fully furred, eyes open and playing within an hour or so after birth ... (kinda like a 2 or 3 week old baby bunny).
(3) Barring any complications, everything should go like clock work ... but ... for safety's sake ... be sure your exotic pet vet knows you have a chinchilla that could deliver in about 2 weeks. This will give her/him time to brush-up on chinchillas if they do not have them as regular patients.
(4) Most litters consist of one or two kits ... if this is all she has, she should be able to handle them pretty good ... if she has 3, 4, 5, or 6, which is rare ... you may have your hands full and will have much more to learn quickly.
(5) If you can get some scales that weigh in one or two gram increments, this will help you know way ahead of time if there is a hidden problem.
How old is this 'soon-to-be-momma chin'?
How much does she weigh?
Do you know if this is her first litter or if she has had other litters in the past? If she did have litters before this one ... how many kits in each litter? Did they all live? and Was she a good momma?

Jo Ann
You may want to check out these three pages to see a little of the "future" ...
http://luvnchins.com/GigetKitsDay1.html http://luvnchins.com/GigetKitsDay2.html and
http://luvnchins.com/GigetKitsPage3.htmlThere are videos showing Giget and her quads the 1 st, 2nd and 3rd day of their lives.