Breeders > Breeding 101

help me!!!!!

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I think my female chin might be pregnant but i dont really know what to look for shes been acting really weird and never really comes out her nest box so i dont know if shes pregnant or ill?? could someone tell me what the signs are of a pregnant chin??? thanx x

There really arn't any sure signs of pregnancy except delivery.  ;D
Sometimes you can weight the female and notice a gradual gain, but if she isn't used to being held its not a good idea to handle her so much during pregnancy.  With twins and triplets the Mom will get big, but single babies can sometimes be carrier without any real visible change. It might be easier to rule out sickness.  How is her food and water intake?  How do her poops look?  If you sneak into the room at night when all is dark how is she acting?

Is she housed with a male right now?

thanx for replying. she eats and drinks well and her poops just look the same as my male chins. she is housed with her partner right now but iam going to seprate them if she is pregnent. she is lively at night not as lively as my male chin but he is younger than her. the reason i thought she might be sick is her hair is falling out or she is pulling it out and she is skinny my male chin is quite a wee fatty but she is fairly skinny but her stomach does suggest that she could be pregnant. and you can see her nipples aswell. my male chin is easier to handle than my female she was badly treated in her last home and i think she is still getting used to it. but she does come to me sometimes but i do not try and grab her if she does not want to be handled. please write back thanx ;) :) ::) ::)

Most times if you can see the nipples the female is very pregnant. Do you know if she has been bred before?   I do have a few girls that have have had several litters and their nipples never really go back to normal.

i dont think she has been bred b4 to be safe im going to put her in a seprate cage. and hope for the best i really hope she is pregnant thanx for youre help. ::) :) ;) :)


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