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Author Topic: ? on if I should start handling more...  (Read 2916 times)

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? on if I should start handling more...
« on: January 06, 2010, 02:03:34 PM »

Nibbles our Violet has always been shy...but has accepted my son more than anyone. Well...we've both been giving him extra attention. And he's now climbing again on our hands and arms. We'll allow him to cuddle our face through the cage as well.

Today we had the chinchillas out. And...Nibbles got loose from our contained area. And got under the bed...he was a handful to catch. Once caught...I sat and spoke softly to him...he didn't attempt to really get away. And allowed me to pet his head without attempting a nibble.

So then I put him away and let him take his bath...

? is...since we did have a difficult time catching him. [We didn't chase him around the room] But kept attempting to grab him when he would come out from under the bed. With that said...should I continue to go back to our just allowing him to jump on our hands when he wants...and to continue to cuddle us through the cage. Or...handle him and pet him? Since he didn't seem to mind my holding him and petting him once I did catch him...I'm just not sure how to handle this...

I'm thinking...not to push the holding of him just yet...and to continue to just allow him to choose to jump on us and to cuddle our faces through the cage...for a bit more. I don't want to force him to regress...Which I am afraid he might do...I think he did enjoy us petting his head though...for he didnt' try and get away and closed his eyes like he was enjoying it. [We've never tried petting his head. Fluffy loves tummy rubs so we've always tried that with him] But today...he really seemed to enjoy just a typical head petting...or was it that he was stressed and not attempting to leave due to my finally catching him? Just not sure.

Typically he's easy to catch when out in our play area. Him escaping that area  and finding his way under the bed...was just a odd thing. Jumped up over my son's shoulder I guess...


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Re: ? on if I should start handling more...
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 02:42:51 PM »

Well...I was just in there with the chins...and opened the door...Nibbles again came into my hand and nuzzled my face. So he wasn't tramatized...Again we didn't chase him around the room. Just would attempt to catch him when he came out from under the bed. I'm glad he's starting to like to nuzzle people. I think it has to do with my son...he's always with the door open and in there cattering with them...and they nuzzle his face all the time. He's 9 1/2 and so responsible. He measures out their chinchilla conditioner that we get from the breeder. Only 1/2 teaspoon each in the evenings. And he fills their pellet container. We have one that attaches to the cage. not keep it full. For I don't think the food stays as fresh.[just my opinion] He also gives them each a raisin in the mornings...knowing they can only have just one.


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Re: ? on if I should start handling more...
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 04:01:26 PM »

Its funny how chinchillas will sometimes take to one person over another. 

You were right to test the waters and see how comfortable he was after chase incident.  New chinchillas can get alittle freaked out with something like that but bonded chinchillas don't.  Chinchillas are really neat animals.  Once they have bonded to you they are not as fragile and do not seem to have lasting memories of bad experiences.

In fact, some chinchillas come to love the chase as a game.  I had a male chinchilla that was an expert at getting out of his cage.  He would run right up to me when I came in the room to let me know he was out.  Then he would run away and stop.  He would look back to be sure I was chasing then run again. If I didn't chase he would come closer.  It was like a game to him. Once I got down on the floor he would jun right by me back and forth as I tried to catch him.   Many times there was fur slippage as I tried to grab him and each time he would still play his "come and get me" game.  He was always supper snuggley as soon as he was caught or whenever I opened his cage.

 Lowcountry Chinchillas
 Walterboro, South Carolina


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Re: ? on if I should start handling more...
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 08:06:32 PM »

Thanks Jamie! I appreciate your telling me about your own experiance with your male chin who liked to play come and get me. For...once our Nibbles was caught. He was more cuddly than he ever had been in his life! I couldn't understand it...unless of course I was worried he some how was tramatized. But...we didn't "chase" him...just attempted to grab him when he came out from under the bed. Reading your story...makes me think...he might of enjoyed it. Oh...I won't attempt to have him escape under the bed anytime soon...but...I was glad to have him snugglin' up to our faces tonight. He's the less cuddly of the two. But really enjoyed my holding him and petting his head. It was just so...different than his typical behavior. He gave no struggles...and didn't poop all over me either! When he was younger he would poop when ever you attempted to hold him. Which I decided he was "stressed" so never pushed holding him but just allowed him to choose to climb on our hands.


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Re: ? on if I should start handling more...
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2010, 10:50:20 AM »

Yes  funny little critters they are.
As most of mine are conditioned to get back in their cage I know they are playing with me.  ::nod:: And there is always one that wants to play longer. ::nod::
I also have one that doesn't like me much, but loves my daughter. The only time she'll tolerate me is if she needs something, and then she's a sweetie. But as for me picking her up I get barked at every time.
My daughter goes up to the cage and calls her and right to her face she comes.  ::)


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Re: ? on if I should start handling more...
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2010, 11:23:34 AM »

Debbie that's interesting that he barks at you...And cuddles up to your daughter. Nibbles has always favored my son...but he's been patient...not pushing him into situations where he's to be touched. And he's really came out of his shell of shyness! He's even coming up to the rest of the family...curious...and nuzzlin' our faces as well now. It's just amazing how he's more comfortable with us as time goes on.
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