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cats upset stomach
« on: August 14, 2006, 12:52:00 AM »

Does any one know about cats and sensitive stomachs?  My one cat Mr. Bizzle seal point Siamese has a very sensitive stomach I have tried all the sensitive foods most expensive and promising to the cheapest and least promising and nothing works he is always throwing up does any one know of something that I can give him to help this problem?I am tired of cleaning up cat puke! Well not all the time sometimes my other cat will eat the evidence before I wake up that is so disgusting they have bin feeders and it always has food in it why does Phil eat Mr. Bizzle's puke?yuck!
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Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 10:53:05 AM »

Hi Fluffball first what kind of puke is it?  It could just a hair ball! some cats are more prone to it then others. Have you tried a vet's food? Cats and dogs will eat the other ones puke.   ::nod::


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Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2006, 03:31:16 PM »

 ;)....does any of your cats or animals have signs of fleas or cats will get upset stomachs when they have fleas from over grooming and consuming to much hair....also my Birman seal point (birman cats are basically long hair siamese) has allergies....sometimes your cat can build up an allergy to something in your house my cats every couple months have to go to the vet to recieve an allergy shot that calms their skin. So look close to you cats skin and fur and monitor how much they the vet and tell them you think they have an allergy and they will give your cat a shot and that should help a lot....siamese and birman cats seem to have very sensitive skin.....also if you have a self feeder bowl or water dish sometimes something can get on their food because you are able to fill self feeders and they do not protect the food against dust and so on that can upset your cats stomach also....


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Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2006, 06:21:00 PM »

he doesn't have fleas or worms and the puke is kinda chunky sometimes it comes out in almost whole pieces and a log shape probably from his trachea I tried every kind of food that my vet told me to try I explained it over the phone I was bying that euchaneuba sensitive stomach stuff and $15.00 for a 14 lb bag  and that didn't even work it was the most expensive and thought murphy's law most expensive it should work but didn't I am going to have to call my vet again and I am not sure about his grooming it seems like a normal amout of grooming not all the time and we give him a bath and he loves it after he gets one we always get lovins after the bath for hours i will look into the allergy thing
I think that maybehe consumes his food too fast sometimes he will puke like 4 out of 7 days around there
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Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2006, 07:58:20 PM »


The log type of puke is most likely composed of hairballs mixed with food.  It is possible your cat is having problems with hairballs interefering with digestion; very common this time of year.  There are a couple of option for this.  1) there is a prescription food designed for cats with problems like this, made by science diet; 2) there is a pill called vetasyl with can be opened and sprinkled over the cat's food to aid in the passing of hairballs through the system.  Both of these require a vet visit.  You also might just try brushing your cat on a daily basis to cut down on the hair.  As for the chunky vomit it might be that your cat is eating too quickly or eating too much out of boredeom or just plain gluttony.  You might try meal-feeding your cats; putting down only one serving of food at a time and then taking it up and discarding the leftovers after 30 minutes or so.  Do this twice a day and it will help your cat keep at the proper weight and not over eat.  To slow the cat down when eating add some water to the food, the cat will be less likely to dive in because they don't want to get messy.  This is a good thing to do anyway if your cat is male because it increases their water intake and reduces the chances of urinary tract infections.  Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done about the vomit-eating cat, it's just one of those gross things they sometimes do  :doh: Hope this is helpful. 


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Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2006, 10:03:11 PM »

Hi Fluffball that is right, just what it sounds like. ::nod::

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    • Debbie's Newfoundland Chinchillas
Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2006, 05:00:07 PM »

Mine is exactly the same.
And there are days it's a wonder I'm not puking myself.
I too have tried everything, and found combing every single day, and the hairball treatment as good as any. I use a indoor and hairball Purina mixed.
 I can't imagine feeding him wet canned food like my Mother-in-law did before she died.
My vet says some cats are prone to then, as some just groom for a living.
Mine is mostly white and as clean a cat as you'll ever see, but cleaning up after him is churning.
The problem is that cats prone to them can get hairballs so big they can choke on them.


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Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2006, 05:34:06 PM »

 :doh:  Sorry to hear you are going through this, I also totally understand.
Not one day goes by here without one of our 5 cats throwing up!   ::scaredspeachless::  It gets to be very taxing cleaning it up every day.  And why do they always choose the carpet or oriental rug?  Why not ever the hardwood or tile?  ::shrug::
We finally figured out that they are all eating the chins hay and this is what is causeing them to puke.  Not much we can do about it because the hay comes with the territory here.  27 chins = LOTS OF HAY ON THE FLOOR!!!

I once heard that the cleaner the litterbox the better it is for some of these vomiters.  They say that if the cat box box is not clean enough to meet kitty's satisfaction they will actually vomit their food back up to avoid having to go out the other end in their box.

Don't let it go on too long without answers though.  Vomiting can also be a sign of a hidden problem/illness.  Always check with your vet in case kitty needs a physical exam.
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Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2006, 08:20:19 AM »

I am not sure about the hairball thing I hardley ever see him groom himself he is vry clean and I am allergic to cats and he is the only cat I can actually hold and not come away in red watery itchy eyes and sniffles he has also been doing this since he was about 3 yrs old I found him as a little kitten probably still nursing cause I had to feed him with an eye dropper and he has been fine we live over by my mom at the time and in that year just after we signed our lease we had a fire so then they put us in a nother townhouse a couple one down he was fine then we had to move again when our lease was up this time because we had a fire and when we moved it was when he started vomiting is was 1-3 times a week then it kept getting worse and then it was almost everynight and then we moved were we are at now after a year there and we have lived here for 2 yrs do you think that it could be mold spores in the air? cause the place befor this we were on the bottom floor kinda like a basement in an apt. high rise 1/2 the apartment was under ground and over here we have a mold problem too.  I clean our carpets once a month in the summer we own a carpet cleaner (a must have if you have kids) and in the winter I only do it when it is warm enough to open the windows and doors to dry the carpet and I use bleach and water when I clean them to remove any unknown thing on the carpet. plus it sanitizes my house more and the carpets stay cleaner longer. :)
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    • Debbie's Newfoundland Chinchillas
Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2006, 08:30:55 AM »

I think it gets worse the older they get.
Mine is 4 now, and it's only been the last 2 years.
It wouldn't hurt to get a vet to check him out, there are many things that can cause it, and are treatable.


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Re: cats upset stomach
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2006, 07:30:33 AM »

Hope you feel better Mr.Bizzle!  |hugs|   
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