hello! this is my first post on this website, so let me introduce myself. my name is Carrie and in 2 days i will be the proud owner of a 4 month old hetero beige male! i am super excited to give him all the love and attention he needs! i have everything covered, as far as supplies and the cage goes. (ferret nation cage, and the breeder is supplying me with his food, bedding, dust, and the like.)
my only question is.... do chins/their bedding/droppings/food attract roaches?
i live in an apartment complex from the 1920s, and some of my neighbors arent the cleanest.... while my husband and i have only seen one roach in our apartment, we have taken EXTREME (non-toxic) measures to keep them at bay. if anyone has any ideas or comments as to what i need to do (if anything) to keep them away, or any idea if roaches in some way can harm the little guy... and to give my husband a little hope that the only creature in our apartment will be a loving little chin!
thank you so much for your help!!