So Gus is at the hospital. He is getting surgery tomorrow or monday. I'm hoping he'll be ok, Gus is pretty small (ive always called him a little runt) but hes firey, so I think he'll be ok.
The doctor told me that it was probably not the water (it could have been) but most likely it was the alfalfa. I use Mazuri brand alfalfa based pellets, but I won't anymore. Gus is going to get timothy hay and little chew sticks and such (alfalfa for treats on occasion only.)
I have read through different forums, and don't get me wrong I have read that stones are not common and that many breeders have never had complications with stones and preach well balanced diets of timothy hay and alfalfa. My Doc explained that in the wild chins are scavengers and really eat lots of grasses and sticks twigs and bark. That being said im sure chins in the wild probably dont live 15-20 years but still. I just dont wanted to put that out there (please this is not to scare people or persuade them off alfalfa, but rather just so you know MY situation and you may feel compelled to do some research of your own.)
Even still I have switched over to distilled water for my boys, but i cant imagine after a year of purified water that Gus would get a stone.
Another things is that Chins are good at hiding symptoms until their conditions have become pretty severe. I know this is common knowledge but just hearing it from the vets mouth really reiterates how important it is to monitor your chins behavior and practice being proactive rather than waiting until its too late.
I have 3 chinchilla books, belong to a few forums and browse the net often looking for reliable sources to educate myself on. I have spoken with breeders, one in particular in california for a few hours, and basically tried to educate myself fairly well. I can't help but feel like that still wasn't enough since I am now in my current situation.
Enough dragging. Thank you for your concerns everyone. I was a hot mess at the animal hospital yesterday when I was getting the news about Gus. I only hope that he pulls through (I believe he will). I will be sure to update you all on his condition.