I think if anyone is wondering WHY get a chinchilla then definitely don't get one! I absolutely LOVE my chinchilla for her naughtiness more than anything; if she isn't allowed somewhere it's the only place she wants to go and no matter how hard I try, she gets there (!); also her ability to eat through shoes, handbags, wires without me even noticing as well as having carefully placed them in places she shouldn't be able to reach (think hit and run they're that fast).
I keep reading that they are clean etc etc and while THEY are clean this is only true because they throw out poops, hays and pee
and whenever they have their dust bath (every day/every other day) they get that everywhere. Mine, I'm sure, deliberately dabbles in her bath before proceding to spread it across the floor.
On the cute side, mine was seriously pleased when I returned from holiday and she does this cute thing where she rests her paw on my finger. SHe doesn't do cuddles but she does sit on my knee and likes to sit on my belly when I'm in bed.
Since getting my chinchilla I don't think people should be allowed chinchillas unless they have loads of time to spend with them every evening. Mine is out for hours and I even go home at lunchtime to let her out. The idea of keeping them in all the time would be like keeping a kangeroo in the bathroom!