Hey it's life, poo happens or so they say...But the two chins in our profile pic, Jake and Elwood, are gone. Elwood passed of old age, we found him stiff in his little hut. LOL kinda funny but sad and tragic at the same time. Jake, well, he accidently dislocated his spine-I'll never exercise in the room when he's out again-and he couldn't move his back two legs. After seeing him like that for a week, I made the call to put him out of his misery, and that was that.
Now we got a healthy cuddly great little baby named Tommy. He's doing great and don't worry I don't lift weights when he's out of the cage. Tommy also knew Elwood for a little while before he passed. He gets along great with our bunnyMarshall, who seems to be very smart and stays out of people's way. Chinchillas, for some reason, well their curiousity is never satisfied.
I know I'll prob get crucified for parylizing my own pet but hey we know people who have killed baby chins by stepping on them closing doors on them etc, all by accident...call me careless reckless I don't give a poo but I had to share this with all of you, so new chin owners know to be careful. Chins are quick little animals and could end up under your feet, or something else, in a second...