I know that they are old enough to breed, as they are well over a year old. But in the post on the brown velvets, and it was said that you should not breed a mutation to another mutation. And my beige came from Wolf Swap down in Indiana, and my ebony came from a diffrent breeder from Indiana that I got from family. Just reading that post made me think that mine were breed from a mutation to another mutation, as I know my beige is a few months older than the ebony. And they are the same size. You can tell that my standards are bigger. My ebony and beige are not bad chins. They have nice thick coats, a nice white under layer. They meet everything, they are just not as big in size. And it makes me wonder if they ever breed if their kits would not be as good as it would be a mutatin with a mutation. Even they would produce a standard, that standard would not have as many quality genes. So it makes me wonder if I should separate them. But at the same time they both cry when they are apart. And right now my female doesn't let the male breed at all.