Hi, Last year I got a kitten and she leaves the chins alone. She has put her paw into the cage and had it bit right away. So she leaves them alone.All in all our cats leave the chins alone.In fact the other day Tyg was walking by the chins cage and Peaka started throwing poo at him, Tyg didn't even stop, he just kept walking. All our cats are like that. If your kitten happens to be in the room with the chins watch it to make sure that nothing does go wrong. All it takes is one wrong swipe of the paws and your chin might get hurt. As for me I have never had a problem with our cats be around the cages. I would not trust them if the chins were running around at play time, my cats are not aloud into the bathroom when it is play time, good luck. I hope you enjoy your kitten. They are so sweet, they grow up so fast. Shannon