Yes Kelly I wonder will Chance get the long hair???

The first time I brought him over to the chins room he was excited and sniffing at all the cages. kinda whining at them.
So over the next few nights I just let him do that. Then I cracked open one of the sliding glass doors on a lower cage so they could just go nose to nose. Well they both got excited. So the next night I let him stay right there as I cleaned out the cage. Well he wanted in like it was his long lost family. Then over comes one of the chins and starts grooming him. Well he was licking her she was grooming and chirping at him.
So then you know I had to hold him up to all the chins. He thinks their all his and he has to take care of them I'm sure.His little stubby tail was wagging at 90 knots.He would kiss them, then me LOL
Now if I take Colby down I leave Chance up, just too much to keep track of LOL Chance sits by the basement door and pouts. It's too funny.
Hi Enna, how is Raspberry doing??? Meant to get intouch but had some new births and with the new puppy, and getting pedigrees done up for the last kits!!!!! I haven't had much time for anything, but I love it!!!