As some of you know Rocky had one eye removed. Some are following this if not to make a long story short, her lens popped back and one day woke up totally blind, her pupils were fully dilated, the next day she had to have it removed. So now we are trying to save her other eye. I put three different kinds of drops in her eyes 7 times a day.
Anyway, the specialist we go to is about 3 to 4 hours away, LONG trip. But he’s the best. Well the update is not good. They do this pressure reading, the normal range is about 20. Last times it was 28, now it was 35. He said don’t panic yet. But she IS having more trouble and is going more and more blind. He said she is not in any pain right now. We have to go back in three months as usual and keep up with the drops. He said if her eye looks blue or gray to bring her in right away or if she is having problems.
I am teaching her commands so when she does go blind she will understand these commands. But threw all this she is such a happy dog, nothing gets her down, nothing seems to bother her. I truly admire that dog. I love her so much and would do anything for her.
She is so bad at the vets though; she hates all other dogs and constantly barks, lol. But she knows this is a place she doesn’t want to be. But she is so good getting her eyes tested on the table.
But for now she can see a bit, that is our goal, to keep her seeing as long as possible and keeping her pain free. She will go blind, it’s just a matter of time. I just wish she didn’t have to go threw all this. My other dog, Jack is fine. I took her to since they are sisters and she’s okay.
Here are some pics and we saw some Buzzards. I took some pics of them.