So after all the work Venessa and I did to put wood shelves and ladders and ledges into our Superpet cage I just decided to upgrade. I found a local person who had a Ferret Nation 142 for sale for a $100 and in fantastic shape. I threw the plastic pans out and custom did a fitted floor for the cage. I also took the ladders that the FN142 comes with and custom molded some lexan under them so our girls lil feet wont get hurt. After almost 2.5 days of work on the cage the girls moved into it tonight. They are having a ball with more than twice the room as the old cage. A few more upgrades are coming such as a guard to keep the bedding in and more ledges. All in all the girls are thrilled and having a ball. Venessa and I are getting lots of chin love from the girls for the new house.
Ill include a few pics.