Well Rocky (one of my jack russell terriers) was having a lot of trouble, she would be walking into my fish tank and just sit there and getting extremely confused around the house. When we took her for a walk she would walk into trees and the stairs to the garage, she couldn’t see, I had to pick her up. I have to use my voice to tell her where I am.
We rushed her into the vets again, 4 hours away and he tested her. He said she is now totally blind. I started balling. My baby can’t see. Im glad I already started voice commands. This is just terrible, I feel so bad for her. There is nothing I can do. But despite everything she is as happy and demanding as can be, that dog just keeps on going. She’s seriously my hero, nothing, I mean nothing stops that dog, she will be just fine.
So that is what’s going on. Her pressure reading was threw the roof, we have to keep that monitored, she is not in any pain so the eye does not need to be removed yet. As long as we keep her on those drops she shouldn’t be in any pain. If she acts mope and we suspect she is in pain and her pupils fully dilate or turn blue we need to go see him and her eye may have to come out. I dread that, it was a horrible experience the first time.
Im sure glad I have an emergency account for her. I set that up a long time ago, this is the first time I had to go into it.