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Author Topic: Selling my herd in Nashville, TN  (Read 3830 times)

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Selling my herd in Nashville, TN
« on: January 31, 2007, 03:02:58 PM »

Hi, all. I mentioned in my guestbook entry when I rejoined the forum that I'm now pregnant with my first child, and will have to sell most if not all of my chins. I wish I could keep them, but time, space and money are all going to be tight with a baby on the way.

I have a proven breeding pair, a standard female whose pedigree I do not have and a standard male I bought from Ralph Shoots 2 and 1/2 years ago. They have produced 8 beautiful offspring in the last 2 years. I showed the offspring at the Rock Hill SC show and got consistent feedback that they have good size and conformation but their coats were not in ideal show condition (cuz I'm a novice groomer  :-[ ). One of them got 1B in the extra dark standard older male category anyway. If you're looking to add size and blocky conformation to your herd, the pair or any of their offspring could be useful.

I am also selling the offspring of this pair. They are all standards and range in age from 7 months to 2 years. I have 3 males and 3 females that I would sell as breeding animals. I have one female, the runt of the first litter, whom I would sell as a pet, as she is probably too small to breed (she's about 550g). I also have 2 pet-quality females (my first chinchillas) who will need a good home. I have no set price on any of the animals and will consider any offer.

I am willing to drive several hours distance to meet anyone who is interested in buying one of the animals. If you are interested, please email me at; I can send you photos.
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