I was reading in the beginners book about Chins that they
can get on well with cats and dogs, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience introducing them to rabbits. Because we are new at keeping Chins we only wanted to get one and plan to get him a playmate in the future when we are more experienced. However we also have a rabbit and I am a long time rabbit owner. They are both let out to play in the same room, at different times of course, but I wondered if it's wise to try and introduce them, so they can both have a playmate. (The rabbit's mate unfortunately got attacked by a dog and killed so he's all alone.)
In my opinion rabbits are the most similar specied to Chins, they have very similar eating habbits and are both herbivores with continually growing inscisors. Obviously a chin's digestive system is a lot more 'fragile' than a rabbits. My initial idea would be to hold the rabbit and let my chinchilla sniff him from inside his cage so they get used to each other's smell. But I was worried about any deseases they might be able to catch from each other.
Also, because I didn't want to start another thread, our chincilla is being fed a mix of chinchilla pellets and guinea pig food but he tends to eat all the guinea pig food and leaves most of the pellets. Is this going to affect his health and do you have any suggestions?