Thanks again, everybody! The neutering is definitely on the calendar, for when he is grown. I wish it could be avoided, but we really need him to be able to be with his Mum. I have talked about the heat thingy, and the Ketamine thingy, and my obessive worry-ing thingy (lol) with our vet. She understands, has done many successful neuterings, and I think it is going to be ok, really.

For now, we are enjoying the time we spend each night with each of them in the play room. But I also look forward to the time they will have together, again, one day. Their hutches are side by side - a foot apart- and they often chirp and chatter between themselves.

When playtime comes, we have to give the one who has to wait a treat, and some extra alfalfa hay, to make up for having to wait it's turn

. They seem very serious about getting the first playdate each night, and we have to alternate or they get upset with us,lol.
I believe they will be much happier in the same hutch.

The more I learn, the more i realize how little I know