Chinchillas > South East USA

Anyone interested in paper bedding??

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ABC Chinchillas:
I have thought about it it came up at the WI MCBA meeting but I havent come across it yet at the feed stores. ALso I only pay 4.00 for my bag of pine

wow thats great news you two..  how is it on odor?

ABC Chinchillas:
jmdebb I haven't tried it yet. just thought about it after the discussion at the meeting

So far I am loving it.  It takes about 15 bags of pine to do my entire building and the pine smell is so strong is smells like ammonia.  I am so happy to get a bedding that has no smell.  I have the paper bedding in 10 banks of cages now (150 cages).  It has been 5 days since I filled the first cages and it is holding up very nice.  I haven't gotten all of the pine out of the building yet, the last of it will be switched to Aspen tomorrow.  Then I will spend tomorrow night exhausting the building and bringing in fresh air.  Hopeful the building will finally have a nice scent after that.  With our heat and humidity I have been fighting the ammonia/pine smell all summer.  I can't wait for cooler fall weather so I can throw open some windows and really air out the building!!!  Even at night the temp here is still over 75 degrees.


--- Quote from: chinclub on August 24, 2010, 03:29:34 PM ---So far I am loving it.  It takes about 15 bags of pine to do my entire building and the pine smell is so strong is smells like ammonia.  I am so happy to get a bedding that has no smell.  I have the paper bedding in 10 banks of cages now (150 cages).  It has been 5 days since I filled the first cages and it is holding up very nice.  I haven't gotten all of the pine out of the building yet, the last of it will be switched to Aspen tomorrow.  Then I will spend tomorrow night exhausting the building and bringing in fresh air.  Hopeful the building will finally have a nice scent after that.  With our heat and humidity I have been fighting the ammonia/pine smell all summer.  I can't wait for cooler fall weather so I can throw open some windows and really air out the building!!!  Even at night the temp here is still over 75 degrees.

--- End quote ---

yah in small quantities pine can smell nice, but with all that, i can't imagine how over powering it was..

i can't wait to open windows either.. well its great this working on ordor smell too...  its great to have another alternative out there. thanks jamie.



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