One would think after so many petstore mixups and bloopers, I would know better, but I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt... figured how hard was it to know the spacing on a product when you work in the small animals department... *shakes head* so now the cats, dogs, fish and small pets have failed me. and I'm not really a bird person. Which is why I have google and forums
lol I have plenty of experience living with significant others since they usually start as roommates/one life has an upheaval soon into relationship that leads to 'why not?', actually, its this whole not living together thing that is weird for me. cohabbited with my first girlfriend for about 1.75 of our 2 years (plus roommats), first boyfriend for 10 mos of our 1 year (with roommates), second bf for the whole 2 years (alone), 3rd was the whole 2.75ish years (mostly with 'invisible' roommates), and the last failure was 4/5 mos (alone)....
And with this one we've been extremely good friends for 4 years, and dated for a whole... month... about 4 years ago. (not relationship issues, just my head needed straightening out as it was on a brief breakup with mr. 2 years, and the current recognized it and put his feelings aside to do what was best for me at the time) So we know even if we break up, as we're both the kind to stay friends with exes (barring certain things) and we've handled a break up before, only to become even closer so...
Throwing caution to the wind, sorta. We've already hit that stage of its not a case of 'will i see you tonight' but instead 'who's going to which house?' and neither of us can sleep a wink if the other isn't there... starting to affect both of our health if we have to stay apart more than a few days... /sigh His cat even pouts if i'm not there.
This will actually be a record for longest time not living together first... its a strange, strange new world for me, and I find I don't like it much... especially when there are pets at both houses that need care