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Just an update and a question
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:18:37 PM »

Well I have 3 baby chin girls.  Mom and dad have gone to another home where they can live side by side but in different cages.  I didn't have enough room for that.  Poor old dad would have been all by himself in a different room.  I was just going to re home dad but he was SO lonely I asked my friend if she could do 2 cages side by side so they could be as close together but apart.  She fell in love with both and said yes. I kept the girl babies and a week after mom left I was approached and asked if I would be able to take a mosaic little girl (only 3 days older than my girls).  I introduced them and they got along famously so I said I would keep her.  She is  stunning.  I am very happy with the 3 of them and they are so sweet.

The little girl moasic girl  (snow ball) chews everything she can get her paws on. I have a large piece of wood for them to chew on (and their shelves)    I thought a cuttlebone would be ok, so I got them one today.  Is it ok to give them it?  Should I tie it up or just let it lay in the cage?  Also  JB (one of the girl twins) seems to be making a grinding noise a LOT.  Everytime I come near her she does it.  Sounds strange.   Is this something I should be worried about?  The others do it as well but not nearly as much as JB.

Also I would like to give them some cranberry juice in with their water, would that be ok?  I feed Mazuri pellets, timothy hay (once a week or so they get some alfalfa).  They also get a cheerio or a raisin or 1/4 dried apricot once a week or so. Does this sound like an ok diet?

I will post photos soon of them :)  They are so cute


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Re: Just an update and a question
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2011, 08:34:30 PM »

Congratulations!  ::banana::  ::gobananago:: On the new babes, and the successful finding of a good forever home for the 'extras'. :::grins::
 To answer some questions...
1. Cuttle bone is an excellent source of calcium (they need calcium, so this is good). ::nod::
2. If you tie that cuttle bone up, it will stay cleaner,and be less likely to get lost in the 'stuff' in the bottom of their hutch.  ::)
3. The grinding noise might be your little one clicking her teeth at you. My experience has been this can signal anger, nerves, fear, or a general unhappiness with something happening to or around them. Some do it more, some less, but they all pretty much do it. Don't take it too personally, but you might want to watch what triggers it and move a little more slowly. You didn't mention the lava stone chewing 'ledges' or 'triangles' so I will suggest them. It helps grind their teeth down, and might give you baby needed objects to work out on.   ::nod::
4. Apple juice might be a better choice than cranberry Only add a tiny tiny bit to scent it, if you must add juice to their water (not necessary). Usually apple juice is added to water for a new Mother, to help her milk come in well. Remember, sugar is not your baby's friend, also adding anything other than water-soluble chinchilla vitamins can cause their water to become cloudy faster, and make it more difficult to keep their water bottles clean.
5. IMHO Mazuri pellets are the best, and alternating timothy hay and alfalfa hay is a great idea. ::thumbsup::
6. Talking snacks can bring a firestorm of dissent anywhere ChinMoms gather. That being said, most seem to agree that PLAIN bite size shredded wheat, plain cheerios, yoghurt covered alfalfa treats, and Rice Pops are an acceptable list of treats. Dried kiwi, strawberries, and apricots, and raisins won't kill them, in very small amounts - but you seem to be aware of this.  :D
I'd say you have a very good idea of what you are doing. But I couldn't resist chiming in anyway.  rofl

It's just me, Cerberus and Persephone's GrandChin ::wave::

The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know ???


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Re: Just an update and a question
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2011, 01:31:35 AM »

  This is snowball

the twins

I am not a good photographer but the girls are so cute :)  They don't like their photos taken.

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Re: Just an update and a question
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2011, 07:22:04 PM »

Awwww what little cuties  ::kiss99::
Congratulations  ::clapp::

Why would you put juice in their water????
I never put anything in their water.
I have given an extra water bottle containing pediolite and such, but they should always have fresh drinking water available to them.
The grinding noise I have also heard when they eat certain treats like raisins,oh and they would do it with nu-trical as well. I haven't used that in years. I have even heard them do it in their sleep, and to other chins that are getting on their nerves. ;D
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