well. i've been looking into this for some time. when i got my first chinchilla over three years ago, the vet who did his health check recommended he gets green leaves. i had been giving him green leaves and my other four chins (one is two years old, the other three are younger) without any problems. when i came across info that they should not have it, i consulted my other vet (we have moved since) - she's my chinchilla vet and said greens in small quantities were ok. i also read a few studies that concluded that the problem with fresh veg and gi stasis is lack of fibre in the diet rather than consumption of vegetables itself.
then, i got a rescue chin with very bad teeth. i did research into how to help her (in addition to her medical treatment) and there's a rescue who has a great deal of success with dental problem chins using slowly dried vegetables although some people have sent their story in saying they started using fresh with great results.
i didn't want to give her any to start with as her diet was really really really bad before i got her (banana chips and chinchilla mix, no hay) so i was worried about the lack of fibre and changing too many things. however, she went into gi stasis - we're not quite sure why but we're guessing she went from hardly eating (well, being mostly handfed) to eating loads after her dental and the combination of drugs - we got her through but actually all the vets who saw her (four of them - 2 emergency ones and 2 regular chin vets) thought she was going to die although they didn't tell me until after she got better.
it was awful - you feel absolutely helpless because there's not that much you can do once you exhausted all the medical and support options - and even though it had absolutely nothing to do with vegetables, i decided to stop giving my other lot their leaves. they don't seem too bothered.
however, regarding the 'dried veggies are bad' - why is that? from what i've read, the problems are caused by high water content in fresh veg. surely, dried veg is processed into pellets?
chinchillas in the wild eat certain type of dried veg and grasses.
fruit i would not give. mine get occasional raisin if their poo is on the small side. but never ever fresh.