Our boys(7 months) usually get at least 2 hours minimum of play time every night, most days we try and let them go longer so they're not cooped up in their cage.
Chins love their freedom {out of the cage play time} ... but they can get over heated. You might want to get a chinchiller. {A square of granate or marble ... like you would use on the floor -found in any flooring supply place ... and have it setting out for them to go to if they get a little hot. This allows them to 'cool down' when sitting on it.}
We use a play pen (since we only have a one bed room and we have no way of chinchilla proofing the entire apt) and give them chew toys and tubes.
You might want to chin proof one room ... the bathroom is usually the easiest room to chin proof. OR you could close all the doors to the rooms and block off the end of the hall way ... hallways are always easy to chin-proof.
We also try to sit with them and teach them tricks.
Chinchillas will usually do tricks to get your attention and keep your attention. They are very smart! They love to be the center of attention and will invent things/tricks of their own to get it. I have one that does back flips over a hut another that dances on her hind feet, one that plays dead (scares us, but definitely gets our attention). They love attention. When you see them do something that is real cute ... praise them ... soon they will be trying new ways/tricks to get your attention ... especially if there are 2 or more of them ...
each of them wants your 'undivided attention' - they will compete for your attention!
But it seems like when we sit in the cage, their main purpose is to jump on our heads and then jump out of the play pen. We have let them free run in the apt a few times but they hide in little nooks and disappear into our stuff or under our recliner, which is frightening so we agreed the playpen is safer.
This is normal ... the like their freedom as well as the next
guy chin! They are very curious creatures and love to explore ... besides that ...
they do have your undivided attention playing hide and seek with you!
Saurumon is active from the moment we put him in the playpen to the moment we put him back in the cage. Ridley is active for a bit then sits for a bit then is active for a bit. He becomes super active when we sit in the cage with him. The minute we put them back in their cage they want to immediately come back out.
Again, they know you will go else where after you put them in the cage, plus they want to explore some more. This is all normal.
They don't seems to learn the tricks we teach them very well, they mostly just ignore us, we have to entice them with treats every time.
You may not be training them ... but they are doing a great job training you!
When we hold them they also try and squirm out of our hands, even when we hold them close to our chest.
Again, they like their freedom and are not much for 'touch me - hold me", plus, they are getting body heat from you and can get overheated if held to long. OR ... they need to go pee-pee and they love you to much to do it on you.
We try to rotate and vary their toys every night and change the furniture in their cage once a week.
Chinchillas preferr a regular routine and things that are familiar. You might want to try rotating toys outside the cage, but keeping everything the same inside their cage. Their cage is their security blanket.
I somehow feel maybe we're not maximizing our time with our boys or maybe we're missing something.
Relax and enjoy them and let them enjoy you! Quit trying so hard!
Hope this helps. Keep us posted!
Jo Ann