well.. i think it depends on the chin
when we had the triplets, fluffy had mastitis and couldn't nurse so we had to take over. one of the babies, ffynn, who was then called 'skinny' was the smallest baby and he pretty much stayed at 35g for a week no matter what we did. he didn't want to eat, each feeding took half an hour because you had to put a tiny drop on your finger, then on his lips, let him lick it off and do it again and again. his sister, pippi (then 'average' or 'avg') took the bottle and was done within a minute, steadily putting weight on. spock - or 'chunky' as he was known then - was putting weight on without us feeding, i guess he had the sense to go to the teat that wasn't inflamed so she didn't move away. we tried feeding him to start with but he didn't want to be fed and it turned out it wasn't necessary.
now after all this you'd think that ffynn would be the friendly one and spock would be quite skittish. oh no. it's the other way round. spock is very keen on being stroked, picked up and everything. ffynn runs away! and he's bigger than spock!
i think with rescue chins, especially ones that have been neglected like mae, they want attention because they weren't getting it before. so even though giving medicine is not pleasant, it's still more than they got before. it's sad but at the same time it's positive.