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Author Topic: Many chins in need of homes - Can anyone help?  (Read 4818 times)

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Many chins in need of homes - Can anyone help?
« on: October 03, 2006, 10:09:32 PM »

I live in Northern Illinois and have 2 adopted chins (Thelma & Louise).  While on vacation last week, I brought my two girls to be boarded at the shelter where they came from.  That way Jennifer (the woman who runs the shelter) could visit with my two and see how they were doing, also she has a grown kit who was my Thelma's son & she also has Thelma's grandson, so Thelma got a little family visiting in during boarding.  When I arrived to board my girls, I found the shelter to be very crowded.  Jennifer is very devoted, and works non stop to care for these chins, but the sad fact of the matter is there are many chins who desperately need a forever home.  I stayed and played and got to know many of the chins for a bit before I left for vacation, they are all very sweet, don't mind being handled and not afraid of people.  The shelter is called Wisconsin Chinchilla Rescue in Southern Wisconsin (a burb of Milwaukee)  You would have to apply and pick up the chin/chins as Jennifer prefers to screen adoptive people to make sure they understand how to care for a chin properly and to make sure they are able to make a commitment for the chin's lifespan.  Beware if you go there, you'll be tempted to adopt many chins LOL I went there for one and came home with two.  If I had more space/time, I would have taken more.
Here is the shelter website if you're interested:


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Re: Many chins in need of homes - Can anyone help?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2006, 11:07:00 PM »

Oh, forgot to mention, there are reasonable adoption fees and the proceeds go towards the care of the remaining chins there as well as for any past medical visits and checkups the chin may have had.
(Some of her rescues even needed life saving surgery when arriving at the shelter)
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