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Author Topic: Baby-animal thing?  (Read 1553 times)

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Baby-animal thing?
« on: March 21, 2011, 10:54:51 AM »

My chinchilla is 8 months old. I had noticed before that she had this distinctive, unique smell. It wasn't like she wasn't clean, because her cage was, and she takes dust baths and everything. My other chinchilla is 2 years old and she's never had anything like this. Today I was letting the baby run and she wasn't smelling at all-- but then I picked her up and immediately there was this whiff of that smell. It couldn't be just a baby-chin smell because my older chin, Sammi, never smelled like that. Is it some kind of defense they have other than the fur-slip? Like, OH NO, predator, I'm going to release a whiff of my toxic scent!?  :D Also, I noticed her poops are way softer than they should be. Again, they've always been on the softer side, but today they were softer than usual. My older chin has always had hard poops and I know that's how they're supposed to be. The baby is eating and drinking, so I can't see what's wrong.  :(


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Re: Baby-animal thing?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 09:52:14 PM »

From my experience, Chins don't have an odor like that unless something is wrong. I would make a trip to the vet to be safe, especially since the poos are softer then normal.


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Re: Baby-animal thing?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 11:11:06 AM »

hahaha, i love your toxic smell whiff thing, i can just imagine them puffing toxic smell all around! they don't have that, thank god!

i do find that newborn babies smell different for the first few weeks, i think it's a combination of milk and things that normally are not present.

eight months old and given you've not noticed it before, i'd go have it checked out. what does it smell like? sweet? fruity? have you checked her lady bits, sometimes they can get a smelly discharge there - if you find that's what it is, you need to take her to the vet straight away.

i would generally recommend to take a chin to the vet if you notice any change, either physical or behavioural - they are good at hiding things and it's very difficult to tell there's something wrong until it's too late. 


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Re: Baby-animal thing?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 05:53:21 PM »

Not sure if it is the same "smell" but one of my chinchillas does this "defensive peeing" (thats what I call it) when I am trying to get her out of her cage.  I think they do it if they are nervous and she is a rescue chin so I don't know the back ground, but when I get her out she settles down.  They can also stand up and spray you if they are really nervous of you.  Hope this helps.  Don't know about the pooping issue unless you have given treats, which I would watch if poop is soft, or you have changed their food.


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Re: Baby-animal thing?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2011, 06:53:13 AM »

I do give them treats, although not every day. I hadn't realized treats could make their poop softer. In any case, I also read something about hay/pellets varying the hardness? Anyways, dianah, I'm not sure it smells either sweet or fruity  ;) ... It's sort of like I feel I've smelled it before, but I just can't place it! It's not exactly bad-- to me it just registers as "baby animal"... except that this never happened with the older one. I think I can only smell it when she's scared or something, because the other day I picked her up and smelled her  :blush2: and she didn't smell like anything, really. But the first time I noticed it I had been letting her run and picked her up and she tried to run away and then there was this huge waft of it in the air  ???


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Re: Baby-animal thing?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2011, 07:56:39 AM »

perhaps she was spraying then! i don't know what that looks/smells like, i've got four girls but they don't spray.

any change in diet can cause change in droppings, sugary treats in particular (raisins etc) can cause soft poo or even diarrhoea. other stuff can cause constipation.
it's because the gut flora in chins takes ages to change according to what they're eating so even if you just change them from one brand of pellets to another, it has to be done slowly.
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