I haven't been on here in sooo long but i just wish to show off my new aviary for my feathered flock. Hopefully these pictures are not too big

Lots of parts (plus my black kitty blending in)

part ways up (you can see how the devils have chewed the wall some)

The full aviary

Its been moved and changed around since then but i just love it! In total its about 7' long 5 wide and 7' tall. It houses 29 birds (16 budgies, 8 cockatiels and 5 Green Cheek Conures) i'm blessed they all get along as i don't know what i would do if i had to revert back to small cages.
The only birds not in my aviary are my Maroon bellied conure, and my newest and last addition a Orange Wing amazon parrot. He was bit of a rescue so im still working with him. But for the most part him and the Maroon bellied live in the same space with no problem.
For more pictures you can go here. i believe you will be able to see it.
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150101491174889.275453.624764888&l=8afaf2c993Next up is working at getting the Chin a new cage (thinking ferret nation) and perhaps a friend