I thought I knew a little about Chins but then my little girl came home and she is.. well quirky :3
she sleeps on her side, if possible squeezed in between the wire mesh and a piece of wood
she sleeps at night and gets up around noon. nocturnal anyone?
she doesn’t use her houses, but prefers to sleep/play/sit in her bathtub (cleaning the sand is a never ending task!)
the door to her cage can move slightly, so she sits on it and makes it swing back and forth xD
she has been here for a day and a half and she already seems settled in (we are waiting for about a week before we take her out - everything is going slooovly)
I thought it would take longer before she was done being scared and anxious, but she just loves it here
I feel really lucky <3
this pic i taken the day after she arrived. We couldnt find her that morning, because she was sleeping down here
sorry I didnt catch a pic of her sleeping - she always gets up as soon as she sees the camera
does anyone else have chins who sleeps at night?