Hello everyone! I'm a proud new chin owner! I got a momma and a baby and they are the cutest things on the planet. We had a couple chins growing up, but my family just recently got back into chinchillas a few weeks ago when my sister got a 6 week old black male. I absolutely love him! The first thing I do when I visit my parents is hold him! So I kept my eye out for a chin, and found my two!
I have a regular old zoo! Dogs, cats, rats, snakes, chins, and on the farm horses!
I'm sure you are wondering about my name. It's the name of my small business/hobby. I started with one ball python a few years ago and it kind of spiraled out of control, lol. I don't know the exact number of ball pythons I have right now, but I know I have a least 23.
Here are a few pictures of them, these are some of the morphs (fancy ball pythons), the picture of the three together are normal ball pythons