Hi everyone. Just wanted to stop in and tell you all a little about me and my little family. I am married to my best friend, cliche I know, but true all the same. I have a 3 year old daughter who is in Preschool. I am also a gymnastics and bowling mommy. And if she has a say in it we will be adding Soccer to that.
A little information on our critter kids:
We just adopted Jake, the chinchilla. He is a standard gray male. We are very new to chinchillas. I have always wanted one and the opportunity presented itself and I could not turn it down. We also have 4 female guinea pigs. Lula, Issa, Jada and Zima. Jada and Zima are our new babies we picked up at the same time as Jake, which was on Saturday.
A little information about our set up:
Bedding: We are using fleece. That is what we use for our guinea pigs and we love it. So far in Jake's cage we love it as well. I think it helps that we have already used it for this.
Hay: Oxbow Orchard Grass, as I am allergic to Timothy Hay. We also use Alfalfa blocks.
Food: We are using what the rescue gave us, which is Mazuri. We plan to switch to Oxbow in the near future. That is what we use for the guinea pigs and it is a brand we trust.
Cage: We converted an old dog crate into the cage. We asked the rescue and they said it was big enough. It is 36 inches long, 23 high and 22 wide. We have ledges and fiddlesticks in there for him to climb on.
Dust Bath: We have the Lixit Brand Blue Cloud Dust. We used the pre-measured packet of sand dust stuff the rescue gave us and we do not like it. I think it is the Super Pet Brand. We have a Lixit Dust Bath. He really likes his baths. They are very entertaining to watch.
Temperature: We are keeping the temperature anywhere from 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. We have been watching for signs that he is getting hot when it gets to around 75 but we have not seen any. The window is open and there is a nice breeze, so maybe that is helping.
I am really hoping for advice, suggestions, etc. As I am really new to this and hope I am doing the right things as of now. Anything is appreciated.
Here is a link to his photo: