Yes folks, they are finally here! Mia & Oki have 2 beautiful sons.
Oliver & Milo entered the world right on mia's due date, DAY "111". Oliver was born at 9:15 AM and Milo was close to follow at 9:38 AM. They were both nice big boys weighing in at 71 grams and 74 grams! Not sure of their exact colors yet, time will tell.
Everything went very well and was uneventful, thank goodness. We were here for the entire event from start to finish and aside from taking about 10,000 photos we were able to do a video tape as well.
Mia & kits are all doing well today, she is a great momma. The boys are full of energy and have started eating bedding already and climbing to the top of the whelping cage and letting go! This is somehting I have heard of frequently but finally know what you all are talking about now!

They are very entertaining already

I am totally in love and can honestly say I have never seen anything as cute in my entire life!
Thank you Jo Ann & Jamie for posting the pictures and news for us.