Hello! I am buying a chinchilla in a week... yes, it will be my first one, so you can probably expect a lot of questions. I was wondering what sort of toys they like that I could put in their cage? At the pet store I saw that they had blocks of dyed wood hanging from the cage's ceiling, similar to what would go in a bird's cage, but I was hesitant to get that because I wasn't sure if the dye would be harmful. Is something like that okay?
In addition, I'm a bit clueless as to what sort of treats are good for them, so whatever you can recommend would be wonderful!
Any other chinchilla care suggestions you have would be awesome - I currently have the cage, large with platforms and coated wire, recycled paper-style bedding (Carefresh I believe), pellets, Timothy hay, a litter box with litter (also Carefresh), a small hut she can hide in, a dust bath, and I plan on getting a pair of marble tiles to put on the top platform that the chinchilla can use to cool itself (Put one in the freezer, switch it out every so often, etc.) Any other supplies I need would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.