So I have my 5 month old chin Dexter who stays in my room and spends quite a lot of time with me. He also spends a lot of time with my sister Abby as well, not equal but pretty close. When I go away for the weekend (about 2 hours to see my boyfriend) once a month Abby takes care of him and he is usually good, sometimes he will terrorize her though (like throw hay everywhere, push his food bowl off and bark at her). Well I've been in Huntsville AL for the pas few days since my grandma is sick, and my sister called me today (it's been 2 days) and Dexter barely eats (he does a bit but not as much), doesn't care too much to come out at play time and won't take a dust bath! His poop is normal and he drinks plenty of water, is he just stressed because I'm not there? He perked up when she put me on speakerphone, I'll be home in two days. Anything she can do to help? I'm so worried about my baby
Abby is always so good with him too