i found all 30 of the eggs i told you people i got nothin but time on my hands

i think i was the first one to find them all
i going to shout it out in the shout box that i did it
but my hubby wanted to try find them all so i waited and let him look but he gave up cause i wouldnt help him find his eggs and gave me the laptop back and didnt log out so i shouted that i found all the eggs and then i noticed it was still on his account and before i could clear it out and log out to relog in as me to reshout it jami came on and told me i was the first to find them all
but dont get discouraged even if you think you found one click it again just in case you didnt click it before also click every link you see no matter if you think you did it already
i clicked every link i could find and i did it all day and all night long
so now i hope i win something like the vpoints or vcash lol
but for real i got so stuck my hubby told me to give it a break and start from the beginning so i did and i found so many that i missed i was excited and i was in a hurry and
im sorry if this made no sense i rant when i get aggravated and with MS on top of the dyslexic problem lets face it people im just all MSessed up

bye all good luck in the egg hunt