Since several people have websites about chinchillas, maybe there could be a website review section. Several reasons:
1. You can show off your website and get feedback about what is good and what isn't so good.
2. People can see good chinchilla websites out there.
3. Probably the most important, is that others can point out if your website has incorrect information. There are several controversial issues of course, "such as should I feed raisens?", and these could go rouond and round, but at least some of the obvious mistakes can be pointed out.
The other chinchilla forums (except Chinchillas Unlimited in the UK) don't have this feature so it could be someting unique for this forum. The problem with website reviews is there has to be good guidelines behind them or they turn into spam or arguments. Here are a few rules from other website review forums as an example: (you have to log in to see these rules)