. I think it's a good picture too, she came over to me when I was putting the other water bottle on and was smelling my hand from outside the bar, so I thought I'd take the picture whilst she was interested in what I was doing.
Oh no that's awful why would they have these kind of cages then, I'll look into changes the steps and see if I can for now put the felt on there as that's what I've done with the middle floor. She doesn't seem to jump around much she's constantly up and down the stairs.
She's still asleep now just next to the grey marble thing that she was sitting on in the picture, She's moved into the hammock and sat there for a minute but moved back to that spot. It's strange she won't sleep in her bed, it's the same one she was sleeping in inside the store.
I got some raisins today to give to her I know you can only give 1-2 a day so when she wakes up later I'll see if I can put my hand in there and if she'll come to me for it. (Hopefully she'll smell it) and pop over. I had some other treats I got, and offered her one she came and sniffed it but she obviously didn't like the smell lol and stuck her nose up at me. She is very curious and inquisitive.
I was going to see about letting her out but as you said I don't want to be chasing her around or anything so I'll leave her for a while. I was hoping to be able to put the dust bath in the cage to lure her back into it after her playtime, so I may have to get a smaller bath for her.
This is my first Chinchilla, I'm used to hamsters and dogs! The occasional fish. I wish I would have been able to get a friend for her, and was actually considering going to a different store so I could get two. But she looked so sad in the store and I had to bring her home!.