It has taken me a few days to recover from the exciting morning I had on Wednesday.
Well, first I wake up and find it very unusual not to have any cats in the bed with me!

Hmmm? I get out of bed and walk out into our living room where all 4 of our quite large cats race to greet me! And guess who was with the cats just running alongside them all like he was one of them? "OLIVER", one of Mia's 7 week old kits.
Yep! He was just prancing along side them like one of the big kitties,

I WAS HORRIFIED!!!!!!!!! He looked OK and seemed very happy! All three cats turned around and ran into the kitchen for their breakfast.........Oliver turned around too and ran with them. Our 2 Jack Russels just kind of sat and looked at me like "what's the fuss all about"? I ran for Mia's cage to find the door WIDE OPEN, Mia just siting by the door in a small panic! She was trying to tell me her sons had escaped. Yes, and the second kit Milo had not been located yet. I was a little sick at this point just praying he was OK. I could not find him. I calmly sat down in front of their cage and began calling the kits & filling a bowl with alfalfa hay......out pops Milo! He & Oliver were hungry. They both came right over to the bowl and I picked one up at a time to examine them. Both looked fine.

I gave them back to their momma who was very verbal, almost scolding them both for staying out all night!

Apparently they opened the 2 fastener hooks on the cage and the babies let themselves out. Mia never left, I think she stayed home in case they ever returned.

Who knows. So we put 2 extra locks on the cage door now. We'll NEVER know how long they were out & running around, it is possible the whole night.
I am just so glad no body ate something harmful or chewed through a wire. We have been keeping a close eye out! These little escape artists are lucky! And I can laugh at the whole thing NOW!

Anyone else have any great escape stories to share?