Structural malocclusion is a terminal disease. When a chin is diagnosed with it usually it will have to be euthanized. Because it is an inherited genetic disease a reputable breeder may choose to take responsibility for it and offer to replace it with a healthy chin. A breeder will be very interested in the diagnosis and try to determine where it came from.
That is exactly the action my breeder is taking.
Unfortunately I am giving Fluffy and Rambo back to her for two new ones on Monday. I love Rambo, but if Fluffy goes, I think it is best for Rambo to go with him so they can be together. They have been together for a long time.
I will get two 6-8 month old boys, probably brothers. Hopefully these guys are healthy.
The Chin usually is not put down right away, but when they have malo that means they will have to have their teeh cut back on a regular basis. It is expensive to have that done often and it is a lot of stress for the chin, unfortunately =/