I came home from work to find Pixie with her head stuck in the hay ball. The poor thing, I was gone all day. It makes me sick to think how long she could have been stuck like that. I really thought she was dead the way she was hanging.
My boyfriend took her out of it carefully and she immediately went for a really big wee then ran over to her hay and started eating. It took about five minutes for her ears to come back up and her tail to curl up. I immediately let her out into the hall where she plays to have a look at her. I gave her a pile of hay and she was eating loads and making her quacking noise. She still looks a bit shell shocked and her poo isn't great, it's a bit softer than nomal and it's big round pooh balls. I'm going to give her a little dyne (chinchilla probiotic) to ensure her stomach stays working properly but I'm unsure whether I should wash her or not? She soiled herself very badly. She is grooming herself so maybe she has that sorted? She also doesn't like being handled so I don't want to cause her more stress than I need to.
I'm going to monitor her for the night and if I need to, I'll bring her to the vet when it opens tomorrow. Hopefully this is just me over-reacting again, I'm looking at her now and she's bopping around her cage as usual.
If any of you reading this have hay balls, throw them out!