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Author Topic: Leaky water bottles  (Read 6599 times)

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    • Chris Hamilton
Leaky water bottles
« on: September 27, 2012, 02:01:08 PM »

I have tried three different water bottles for my chinchilla because they all drip from the nozzle around the ball. I tried three different brands but they are similarly designed. The hangars also don't work well with my cage that has 1" spaced horizontal bars and I'm afraid my chin can push the nozzle out of reach because it's so loose. I am very frustrated with this so I ordered parts from Edstrom to build a gravity fed watering system with a high quality valve made for guinea pigs. They used to manufacture a bottle that got good reviews but they've discontinued it due to increases in manufacturing costs. The parts weren't that expensive but the shipping about doubled the cost. :flames:

I was wondering if anyone has had experience with these and if anyone has advice on how to stop the dripping on my regular vacuum type bottle until I get my parts in. I don't remember having these kinds of problems years ago when I had rabbits and hamsters. I have a feeling cheap manufacturing is partially to blame. At least the dripping has stopped for now. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it when it does drip and when it starts dripping about half the bottle empties out in about half a day.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 02:03:00 PM by GrayRodent »
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Re: Leaky water bottles
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2012, 02:06:50 PM »

I use the glass water bottles with glass tubes like her see here:  I hate water bottles with the little balls because it is so easy for those to get vacuum sealed closed.  But, unfortunately any water bottle is going to leak with a chinchilla because they are constantly jumping around the cage causing it to shake.  This shakes the bottle and causes it to drip. :(

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Re: Leaky water bottles
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2012, 02:54:34 PM »

Thanks for the info. Looks like your solution is a lot cheaper than mine!

I know there is a risk with the ball type so I dispense some with my finger a couple of times a day to make sure that doesn't happen. I'm having the opposite problem though. Perhaps vibration of the cage is a culprit. The new valve I ordered looks kind of like a ball on the front but uses a rubber diaphragm that pushes open to dispense. They offered a 5 gallon bucket (since it was meant to be sold as a system that connects many of them) with a shut off valve for the reservoir but I'm going to connect it to something a bit smaller.

I'm hoping that will solve that problem. Until then I'll be checking and refilling.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 03:05:42 PM by GrayRodent »
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Re: Leaky water bottles
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2012, 07:28:04 PM »

i cant stand that there are no good water bottles out there.. remember the water buddy, great bottle, does not leak!! but they stopped making it years ago.. lixit does have one with the same type nozzle so it doesn't leak.  it is plastic tho, so even tho it gets strapped on the outside of the cage, there is a chance your chin will chew it..[may dam girls do..ugh.. so i cover it with fleece].

i'm not saying you have to buy it from me, but just want to show you the bottle, i'm sure other places sell them too.. i love them.  but they are expensive.

if you scroll down on this page, its the first water bottle.. the no drip

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Re: Leaky water bottles
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2012, 08:10:51 AM »

I ordered my watering system from Edstrom who makes the water buddy.
The water buddy has good reviews and uses a similar valve to what I am using but was discontinued some years back so they are getting more expensive and harder to find. The parts I bought from Edstrom are made for a watering system that connects several valves for multiple animals but I but bought the parts I needed for one chinchilla.
I cost me about $12.00 for the parts but shipping was an additional $10.00. I also had some materials on hand except for a couple of bucks worth of hardware I bought at a hardware store.
I'm not sure if what I have is any better but it works. One thing I like about this setup is that it can be easily repaired and repair parts are readily available.

I'm not sure if it's the same valve on the water buddy. I got the one made for guinea pigs but it uses the same concept as the other valves. Instead of a ball that holds the water in by vacuum like in a regular water bottle it is a valve with a stem in it that the animal licks and it opens to dispense. The valve is connected to a flexible tube that connects to a reservoir above it so water is gravity fed.

Some water pressure is required to make it work so the reservoir must be hung at least 6" over the valve and it cannot be allowed to run low on water.

I bought the valve, tubing, mounting bracket, and a couple of standoffs (clips that hold the tube away from the cage) from them. Also I bought the part that screws onto the water reservoir the tubing connects to (a barbed connector) and adapted it for my own reservoir out of a small plastic drink bottle. They sell a reservoir (a big bucket) but it's gigantic and obviously made for people who have a large number of animals hooked up to the system.

I Installed the barbed connector that would screw into a bucket into the lid of the drink container and used an o-ring from a hardware store on the outside to prevent it from leaking around the drilled hole. I should be using teflon tape at the threads too but it has been working fine without it. I also had to buy two nuts that screwed onto the threads of the connector on the either side of the lid to make a seal.

I drilled some small holes in the top of the bottle since it needs to vent and then drilled a larger hole used to fill it with a funnel. I plug that hole between fillings to minimize dust contamination.

So far the system is working far better than the cheap water bottles I've been using although the initial setup was labor intensive. The first day my chinchilla did manage to chew the tubing that was connected at the drinking valve and drained all the water out. To fix this I wrapped a 2" piece of sheet metal around it have not had problems since. I have another piece of sheet metal that I took from a bottle hangar that protects the plastic reservoir and use a couple of water bottle hangars to hold it up. Bailing wire should work just as well if you don't have that on hand.

For those who don't mind rigging something like this up I recommend this over a regular water bottle.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 10:58:11 AM by GrayRodent »
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Re: Leaky water bottles
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2012, 07:06:28 PM »

is it hard to make?
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Re: Leaky water bottles
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2012, 05:58:50 AM »

Not particularly. It does require using a drill for the lid. Although I managed to do it without a shop vice I recommend using one to make the hole. I found the flat nut that secures the o-ring is hard to turn and keep the ring centered and under the nut. If you put too much force on it (easy to do) the ring expands and slips past the edge. I wonder if there's a nut that is better shaped for that or a better way to do it. Until then I consider this experimental.
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