Okay... This will take me awhile. You have a lot of information, which is great, but I don't always have a lot of time.

I think you'd find things easier to navigate if you used frames. This would also allow you to put a little description of which chinchillas are pictured in the column they are pictured in rather than at the top of each page.
On the Q & A page:
You mention buying a chinchilla, but you don't mention rescuing.
"I have heard a chinchilla's teeth will grow to large" should be "too" and I would say "long" rather than "large."
"A chinchilla can not survive in tempatures above eighty degreese" should be "A chinchilla cannot survive in temperatures above eighty degrees." (You sure you want to put eighty?)
At the bottom of the page, the background color of the linking images does not match the background color of the page itself. The page is a bit ligher. There is also a small line between "Photos" and "Kids" that shouldn't be there.
On the Photos page:
"After a short while she would do it anytime Bill ask her to" should be "After a short while, she would do it any time Bill asked her to."
On the 2nd Annual page, Anastasia's section should say, "for her!" at the end.
Each of the "family pages" seems to be out of date, but...
On the June New Arrivals #2, Abby likes "yougart" instead of "yogurt."
On Smokey & Storm's page, they are expecting a second set of kits in about 2 monts instead of months.
On Eileen & Cotton's page, did Cotton come from Main or Maine? (Honestly, I don't know. I'm thinking Main might be one of the breeders I'm not familiar with?)
On Star & Midnight's page, Star is a hetro ebony rather than a hetero ebony. And the mouseover for Star having a snack has papya instead of papaya.
On Daisy & Jack's page, the second picture down of Jack has a mouseover with "roudy" instead of "rowdy."
On Snow White & Som's page, the picture with Sam and the wheel mouses over to say "accomidations" instead of "accommodations."
Julia & Sandi's page also has the mention of Main that may be a breeder I'm not familiar with. It also says that Sandi is a "hetro Beige/TVO carrier" instead of "hetero beige/TOV carrier." (Although she looks like a TOV Beige to me?)
On Fritter's page, handsome is missing the "e." He's also from Main.
The description of the Pink White is confusing. A Pink White must have a Beige and a White gene, but the description makes it sound like you'll get a Pink White by breeding a Black Velvet with a Mosaic.
The description of the Homo Beige mentions a "hetro beige" instead of "hetero beige." "...it is bets to use two beige chins..." should be "...it is best..." You don't mention that mating two hetero beiges will result in a 25% chance of getting a homo beige, but you mention a pink white and a homo beige, which has the same likelihood of producing a homo beige.
The description of the Hetero Beige also uses "hetro."
The description of Tans mentions a "beige rap." What is that? Can't Tans be produced with a regular Beige and an Ebony?
The description of Homo Ebonies has some misleading information... It says that one hetro (hetero) and one homo ebony are needed to produce an ebony, which is not correct.
Hetro Ebony instead of Hetero Ebony.
On several pages, you mention "raps." Should this be "wraps"?
I'll go through more as time permits and help out as much as I can.