I like the elegance of your webpage. The navigation does what I expect it to and it was fun exploring all the interesting products you carry.
I have some suggestions though. On the front page where you are advertising specials I expected the images to take me to the product's pages like the links to the right. You might want to add links to your img tags there.
The text and layout seems just slighty too big on the front page using firefox. You might want to reduce your font sizes slightly. The navigation for multiple pages (for example
http://chinchillaparkplace.ca/chinstuffstore//index.php?main_page=index&cPath=3) should actually be just slighty bigger since it gets lost in the page.
I like your logo a lot. It is very distinctive altough somewhat rough on the edges.
You might want to add a toy parts category since the parts listings are a bit scattered and maybe think about how to better organize and filter the types of products you have.
As it stands your site is easy to use and attractive.