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Author Topic: Introducing 2 female chinchillas  (Read 1869 times)

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Introducing 2 female chinchillas
« on: March 06, 2013, 08:55:27 PM »

I got a second female chinchilla about a month ago. The person I got her from didn't know anything about chinchillas and pulled her from her mate the day we bought her. She has a baby which we separated because she was pulling the baby's fur out because she was so forceful on nursing. Will these issues make it harder to get my 2 females in the same cage?
One of the females who I have had for almost 3 years is eating a lot less than she was. Shes really depressed and I know that getting her in a cage with another chinchilla will help with that.

If you know anything that can help or advice on how to introduce 2 females please message me.


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Re: Introducing 2 female chinchillas
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 09:00:43 PM »

The best way to do it is to buy a second cage. Put the two cages in the same room, then move them a little closer together every day. When they seem to be okay being near each other, let them out to play together - make sure you supervise them! Eventually, you'll be able to keep them in the same cage.
Does the chinchilla who isn't eating much have any other symptoms? If she does, it may be time for a vet visit.
- Dvora, Snickerdoodle's Momma


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Re: Introducing 2 female chinchillas
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 01:14:11 AM »

I do have them in separate cages, I forgot to put that. I have been moving them closer but when I get to the same point every time Qara (The one that is being mean) tries to get her nose through to get to Harmaa (The one that isn't eating). Qara tryings to get her teeth as close as she can. If she can't do it she starts yanking on the cage bars using her full body to try to get through them to get to Harmaa. After 2 weeks of getting Qara I let her and Harmaa run around because they looked like they were getting a long. They were lying as close as possible between the bars and they were being really nice. When I let them out Qara just kept peeing and it ended up in a peeing war between them. I've never introduced 2 females before, is it different than introducing 2 males or a male and a female?

Harmaa goes off and on eating. It seems like she goes in and out of depression. We took her mate away in August because he wouldn't stop attacking her. She started to always stare at the wall. When we got Qara, Harmaa stopped staring at the wall. When Qara starts being mean all Harmaa does is stare at the wall and stops eating. I measure out her food and she had the same amount for 2 days because she didn't eat it. The 3rd day it was finally gone and she gets 2 tablespoons a day. She doesn't have any other symptoms so I haven't taken her to the vet.


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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: Introducing 2 female chinchillas
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2013, 08:35:53 AM »

From what I've been told repeatedly here female chinchilla are often nasty to each other and putting them together isn't usually a good idea. Having them in the same room together in separate cages might be your best solution. They can keep each other company at a safe distance.
The peeing on each other is definitely a sign of aggression and sometimes escalates into fighting. Always keep the cages separated at least 2" apart to prevent them from fighting through the bars.

Other than that playing with them each separately outside of the cage is probably good for them. They should have hay as well as pellets and plenty of wood and pumice chew toys as well to help with boredom and teeth trimming.

I'd also like to mention that the new female if she was allowed to stay with her mate might be pregnant. Their gestation about 3.7 months so be aware.
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.

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    • Debbie's Newfoundland Chinchillas
Re: Introducing 2 female chinchillas
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2013, 09:56:12 AM »

Some chins just don't like each other. I have tried many pairings that never worked and just about to give up when they will pick one they like. ;)
I have also see 2 that I thought would never get along change their tune.
You just never know .
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