Chinchillas > Cages

Buying a custom made metal cage pan/tray

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I would like to order a replacement metal cage pan for one of our cages.  It's a drop in not slide out  type.  The measurements are 24"x37" and roughly about 3" high.  The manufacturer no longer does them. 
Does anyone know where I could have one made and shipped to me?  I appreciate any help!

Have you asked Ralph?  I don't know if he will make custom pans or not, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Jo Ann:
::silly::If you can talk Ralph into doing it, it would be much more economical than where we had been having ours made ... Ralph's cost was about 1/2 what we were paying the local man to make ours.

Jo Ann

Does Ralph have a web site? There is a cage I want but the tray is plastic and if I could find someone to make a metal one it would make a perfect cage.

No, he does not have a site.  I will call him or e-mail him today to ask if they are willing to make these pans.   :) If so I'll get the info needed to you.


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