Thanks. They are exposed to the bedding, since it lines the bottom of the cage. It has a pull out drawer, with the option of a slide in wire grate, which would keep things cleaner, obviously, but I don't want their feet exposed to wire really at all. They have the solid floor with the bedding and wood shelves, plus a hammock and a pvc pipe to crawl through. Hopps likes to sleep in the hammock, Barely in the PVC, but sometimes they'll also sleep in their wood hidey hut on the floor of the cage.
My husband said he couldn't smell anything, it was just me. I don't know if I'm overly sensitive to their pee smells or what, but I'm a very clean housekeeper and figure if I can smell it, something needs to be done about it.
The room is ventilated fine and their cage is in the dining room in between our kitchen and living room. I keep the thermostat set at 68 so as not to overheat them. Their cage is wire, so no issues there with ventilation.
I think I'll pick up some kiln dried pine bedding this coming weekend and mix it in with the carefresh and see if that makes a difference.
Thanks again for your input. Always appreciated