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Author Topic: Hello from Newfoundland  (Read 2057 times)

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Hello from Newfoundland
« on: May 30, 2013, 07:04:01 PM »

Hello everyone my name is Amanda and I work with Cut Flowers at a Greenhouse.

I am 22 and still live with my parents so i dont have to pay rent and instead i get to spoil my little one. Right now under my roof I live with 4 Turtles Crush Squirt Myrtle and Vader, a Rabbit named Luma, a Cat named Liberty who goes by libby, a Dog named BeeBee and last but not least my Standard Grey Chin Maya who is 6 and will be turning 7 August 1st. Im here to look for advice and see how to raise my chin better.

A little about Maya.
Well 6 years ago my sister got her first bunny and that made me a little jealous, so i convinced my parents to let me get a pet. I starts looking at ferrets hedgehogs dagus then came across a chinchilla at a pet store one day. I know buying from a pet store is not the best idea but I didn't know were you could get them to besides pet stores.So one cold day in February we all agreed today was the day so we all hopped into the truck and drove to the store after getting the cage food dust etc.. i finally got to get my little chin. They had  a set of brothers.. so they said... I was then introduced to buddy (r.i.p little one) and i knew he was the one.To make the story short buddy came across an accident and never survived. The next day little maya came into my life and i could never be any happier. He is a little spoiled but what can i say he is my baby.

Once I can get some photos of him I will post them.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 02:35:31 PM by buffy_1232001 »


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Re: Hello from Newfoundland
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2013, 07:30:07 PM »

Welcome to the chinchilla forums. If you have any questions please ask.
Here is a short list of common mistakes I see with new chinchilla owners (off the top of my head so I could be missing some):

1. Feeding a poor diet marketed for chinchillas but it's bad for them
2. Giving them too many treats or the wrong kinds of treats
(The first two can cause problems over time like liver damage or malocclusion, more immediate problems are diarrhea, constipation, or bloat)
3. Not allowing them time to adjust for the first week they are relocated (Can cause behavioral trouble that is hard to correct)
4. Using ramps in the cage that are wire mesh and causing fractures usually requiring amputations (very common)
5. Using metal hay balls that are also dangerous (less common but sometimes fatal)
6. Allowing them out of the cage to roam before they are bonded to or comfortable with the owner (Major behavioral issues down the road)
7. Not being aware of how great chinchillas are at being escape artists

« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 09:47:24 AM by GrayRodent »
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.


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Re: Hello from Newfoundland
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2013, 11:44:28 AM »

Welcome to the forum! on here is from Newfoundland. She might be able to help you out when it comes to local food and supplies for him. :)
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