So I have two nearly five year old chinchillas. One female and one male. I've had them almost two years now, so long enough that I should know the answers to my own questions, yet here I am. First off I should say that their last owner did not take even decent care of them and I'm worried that some of their current health problems may be because of her treatment. We believe that the male, Sid, is blind. We've done various tests on him ourselves (to save money) and all signs point to blindness. Recently, as in the last couple weeks, I've noticed he is losing very small bits of hair around his eyes and I'm worried that might be because of the goop forming around. I've tried to carefully wipe it away but he keeps thinking I have a snack in my hand and will just nibble on me instead of letting me help him. So I'm not positive if the small bits of hair loss is from his eye goop? Secondly, the female, Cas, is losing large tufts of hair along her right side. This wasn't happening a week ago. She's typically pretty abrasive and it's hard to get a good look at what exactly is going on. I read things about females chewing their hair from stress especially during a pregnancy. I felt her belly and it was harder than it usually feels but I'm not positive if she is pregnant. I'm also not sure if chins can get pregnant at as old as 5. The two chins have been together since they were one year old and to my knowledge have never had babies. It seems unlikely to me that she would suddenly get pregnant after 4 years. I'm really not sure what to do. I'm trying to avoid the vet as long as I can. I can barely afford to send myself to the doctor and i have insurance. Of course, if need be I will take them in, just holding it off as long as possible. So what should i do?