is there a better quality hay holder other than the typical wire one that hooks on to the side of a cage that looks like this:

Half the hay just ends up falling out the back of the holder, through the cage wire and down on the floor after she starts pulling at the hay and eating it. It makes a huge mess... you would think these would have a solid metal backing so keep the hay from falling outside the cage. If there's nothing better out there, I think I make my own out of pine with a chicken wire grill on the front she can pull the hay through and hooks on the back to hold it in place.
The more I look at toys and houses etc for Chins, the more I'm realizing I should just make my own.
One other question though... I'm assuming glue is a huge no no when making anything out of wood for them, do you guys just use brad nails and make sure not to nail too close to edges where chewing could expose the nail ends?
I think once my home renos are done and my tool shop has returned to a normal level of organization, I'll start tinkering around with some custom goodies for Peaches

My workshop currently looks like this:

3 years of home renovating almost done!!!