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Author Topic: Red Swollen Toe Not Caused By Injury  (Read 3151 times)

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Red Swollen Toe Not Caused By Injury
« on: March 07, 2014, 08:55:47 PM »

A few days ago I noticed one of my chinchilla's toes was red and swollen, it almost looked like there was an abscess or a growth. There was no foot injury that I am aware of. He still puts weight on the foot when running/walking, but other times he favors it, pulling it in close to his body. I watched the toe for a few days and it continued to swell. I took him to the vet and the vet thought it was a blood blister caused by a splinter. He popped the blister (lots of blood came out) and cauterized the wound with silver nitrate to prevent infection. This was 2 days ago, and I am noticing the toe beginning to get red and swollen again. I plan on taking my chin back to the vet as soon as I can get an appointment, but I am worried that this is going to turn into a repetitive cycle. Does anyone know what this could be? I have done some research, and I don't think it's bumblefoot. It doesn't seem to resemble any of the foot issues I have learned about. I can't afford to keep running my chin back to the vet. Any thoughts?


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Re: Red Swollen Toe Not Caused By Injury
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2014, 10:03:01 PM »

Based on my experience with this kind of thing in other animals (and people) I think a splinter or foreign object is the best explanation. It may be a piece of glass or something very difficult to see (especially if you let your pet run on the floor of your home). Definately have the vet examine it and see if have been any changes that may warrant a different diagnosis. Hopefully it has had some time to surface and become visible.

See if you can take home some topical medication to treat it yourself. If it were my pet I would probably use betadyne to clean it once a day watch closely for any indication of a spreading or worsening infection that may require antibiotics. Normally the object will work its way out through the skin and heal on its own. If it's big enough you'll be able to see it with a magnifying glass and bright lighting but it is not always that easy to tell. Preventing or managing infection is going to be the most important objective until that happens. I also recommend withholding any dust baths for about 7 days or until it closes up.

Note that if antibiotics are used whether oral or injectable antibiotics you must ensure your pet does not stop eating his regular diet. If he does you will need to syringe feed a diet such as oxbow critical care within 24 hours of the onset of anorexia or he may develop complications and die. You can discuss this with your vet and obtain the materials to do this if antibiotics are prescribed as such reactions are common. Even with your current situation monitor his food intake and fecal output daily and watch for changes as pain and infection can do the same thing. Chinchillas usually don't usually act sick until they are almost dead.
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.


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Re: Red Swollen Toe Not Caused By Injury
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2014, 09:29:16 AM »

"the vet thought it was a blood blister caused by a splinter. He popped the blister (lots of blood came out) and cauterized the wound with silver nitrate to prevent infection."

-> he didn't manage to find the splinter?  :(
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