My chinchilla Mochi had a previous owner. The owner used newspaper as liners and kept her in the family kitchen in the critter nation cage. She never had a little house to sleep in though. Since they are 'prey' animals, I'd figure they'd like a little hidey-hole and a place to sleep during the day. I am now using fleece as liners and got her a large hard cardboard chinchilla tube, but she doesn't sleep in it! She just sleeps behind it or next to it
Is this normal? I guess since she's never had a house she's used to not having one...
I just figured now that she has one she might begin to use it if she wants to. They have little houses at petco, but I think they're made out of pine trees. I've read pine is not good for them so I have not purchased one. Any opinions to make a nice sleeping place for a chin?