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Author Topic: How to get my twin chin girls to like me?  (Read 1261 times)

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How to get my twin chin girls to like me?
« on: September 26, 2013, 10:20:10 PM »

I just got two 4 month old chins from a breeder about 2 weeks ago. They seem to be adjusting just fine. They come up to the cage when I get home and will crawl all over my arms but they still won't let me pet them (scratch behind the ears or belly it anything) and I also can't pick them up cuz they will run away. Any tips on how to get them to trust me better?  I know it is a long process but I feel that if they are babies it should be easier however I feel like they will never trust me.


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Re: How to get my twin chin girls to like me?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2013, 05:58:35 AM »

It's been two weeks so it's probably a good time to start training them. Chinchillas naturally don't like to be touched or petted but it doesn't mean they will never get over that and become tame. However some individuals may never get very tame you should still be able to train them to be touched and held for short periods.

You have to take it in stages and you'll probably find that what works for one might not work as well for the other so you have to observe and proceed by trial and error.

The first stage is to get them used to be touched and petted and the second is to start holding them for brief periods of time and in longer and longer sessions. Start with trying to find a place that your pets are most tolerant of being touched. It might be on the nose, under the chin, or between the ears and just touch them briefly there several times a day through the course of interaction. Don't scratch or use a lot of pressure and only do this when they come to you. Don't corner them when they try to run. Just wait and most chinchillas that run to the other side of the cage will usually come back. You can also use treats to help. (I recommend no more than two raisins a day, each chopped into 3 or 4 smaller pieces and only if your pet is healthy and eating properly. More than that can cause sickness.)

Over the course of a few days you should notice they are desensitized to that and you can go further and start scratching them and move outward from that spot. I did this to tame an older chinchilla that was pretty wild. Chances are it will work better for you. Eventually you should be able to get under the chin and scratch there.

Avoid touching them on their back or tail at first. Try not to approach them from above or behind which will trigger a natural reflex to avoid predators. As they get used to being handled you'll be able to more with them.

I've also had great success with playing with a chinchilla in a closed shower stall. I recommend doing this once or twice a day. It will give you a chance to observe and learn from them as well as find what works and what does not. You'll have to find a balance between training them to do things they don't like and not overdoing it to the point where it causes them to avoid interaction. Try to do things carefully and plan ahead to avoid startling them. Each bad experience will set them back somewhat and there will be some as you learn. Just be persistent and patient.

If they are not coming to you and act afraid of you when they are in the cage you may want to avoid letting them out of the cage for a week or two and just interact with them through the bars and door of the cage. Only then start training them once you've established that.
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.
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